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Rewriting My Story !

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Janelle Chase also known as JC is originally from Jamaica and was fortunate enough to receive her American Citizenship in 2020 after being in this country since 2011. She has an associate's Degree in Social Services and a Bachelor of Science in Communication while concentrating on Media Production and minoring in Leadership Communication. JC is a well-rounded individual who hopes and dreams for a better life not only for herself but anyone who is less fortunate due to her traumatic past growing up both in Jamaica and in the US. She is a young woman who is temporarily putting a pause on her selfless side for the greater good of her future endeavors. 


JC is currently a Financial Education Specialist at a non-profit, a youth advocate, and a Tri-chair member of the Regional Advisory Council in Hartford. She also manages local creatives and prospectives in her community as well as instructs dance and Zumba classes in her spare time. Most importantly, JC is a radio talk show host and has been hosting local events since 2017 such as baby showers, fashion shows, and talent shows, and hopes to branch off to hosting much bigger events in the future. 


If you would like to book JC to host an event check out the "Book Online" tab at the very top of this website.


JC is obsessed with dancing due to it being an effective emotional outlet for 20 years without her even realizing it which eventually led her to start developing her own dance company, J’Quo Dance Company whose mission is to increase self-confidence through dance. She struggled with self-confidence her entire life due to bullying from random strangers and even family and friends and utilizing dancing as an outlet resulted to be the same for others once she established a dance team at her high school since migrating. 


**To change your life you MUST change yourself. To change yourself you MUST change your mindset.**

(Please read that again)


JC decided that she no longer wanted to continue living in the condition that she was in and felt it was absolutely necessary to paint a picture and begin envisioning what she would love her life to look like and how she would want the road on her journey to operate, such as, the type of people she wants to be surrounded by and where she would want to reside for the next 5-10 years.




& Due to HER approach to changing her lifestyle, many fantastic things have been happening in her life and you can find some life hacks that she has created and experienced on her talk show “Getting Through Life with JC”.


Stay tuned and keep up with her social media handles for more content.

School Accomplishments

Click on my name to view all my school accomplishments

GTL is an educational podcast in an interview setting which will entail a new topic weekly regarding independent living and gaining further knowledge on life. Based off personal experiences JC will share a few lessons she has learned GETTING THROUGH this thing called LIFE.


She will also be having co-hosts on most shows engaging in conversations with topics they specialize in or are familiar with. Her podcast will definitely be open to discussing any and everything but the majority of the topics discussed will have some personal relation.


Check out the few episodes below and STAY TUNED FOR MORE!

JC Photography

Summer 2019 in Kingston Jamaica

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